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2516 Rush Mendon Rd.

Honeoye Falls, New York      14472
Telephone: 585 533-1420

QVIX Business Systems Fireworks Inventory System , Shooters Scheduling System , Accounts Receivable System

Fireworks Contact (Customer) Management System , Explosives Tracking System , Retail Inventory System

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- QVIX -Fireworks Point of Sale System (Included Free With QVIX Fireworks Inventory System)

You may also obtain technical support by telephone at 585 533-1420; and by e-mail to Support@QVIX.com .  

This page last modified on Monday, August 19, 2016

QVIX Retail Inventory System    Request Information
Having a “QVIX Retail Inventory System” is very beneficial when looking at the current inventory products one must carry (and report to government agencies on) in the retail industry.  All of the current existing products do not address the special needs of small/medium business industry. This is the first product that is actually designed from the ground up to support this industry.
   Click Here For Additional Retail Inventory Features
The “QVIX Retail Inventory System” was designed to address the following:
Key Benefits
  1. Allows for the seamless integration to the QVIX family of software and hardware products.

  2. Have no negative impact on the running of your business.

  3. Allow the customer to easily (Point and Click) create reports and enter data with a minimum of training.

  4. Standardizes your inventory reports in order to make it easier for reporting to the various governmental agencies that require the information you maintain.

  5. Helps speed up inventory site validations by having accurate up to date inventory data.

  6. Allow reports to be exported to different formats (Ex. HTML, Excel, Rich Text Format, Etc.) for use within their respective organizations.

  7. Respond to customer requests for a better, more powerful inventory tool, that could give results in a very fast and “user defined” presentable format.

  8. Provide for protection from future changes in QVIX products with regard to compatibility with associated database tables and fields.
